How to start 2020 on the Right Foot
Welcome back! The start of a new year can be tough but it can also be inspiring. Here are a few tips to help you get back into the swing of things.

Set new work goals.
Why not set new goals and objectives to work towards?
This can be as simple as “learn something new this year” or “work hard to get a promotion” – it’s a great way to get motivated.

Create a priority list.
The best way to complete a lot of work is by looking at what’s the most urgent and then creating a priority list to help you get through everything and feel more in control.

Come in early.
The best time to get things done is the hour or so before your colleagues arrive at work, because no one can ask you things or distract you.

Get ready the night before.
If you have children, mornings can be extra stressful at this time of year. So, take a bit time the night before to get your work clothes ready, prepare the kids’ lunchboxes and pack everyone’s bags for the next day.

Catch up with your co-workers!
Everyone will be sure to have great holiday stories, and by sharing these stories you can reconnect with your co-workers after the break. This is a great way to start the year on a high note!

Plan something fun for the first week.
Just because the holidays are over, doesn’t mean the fun needs to end! A great way to motivate yourself in the first week of work, is to plan something fun with friends or family for the weekend.

Eat healthy food.
What you eat directly affects your mood. if you want to stay energised, eat food that is fresh and healthy, and will keep your mind alert – like salads, fruit and wholegrain bread.

Take a break!
It’s tempting to work through your tea and lunchbreaks to get through the backlog of work – but you need to be kind to yourself. Take the breaks you are meant to take, so that you don’t burn out this early in the year.

Do a clean-out!
It’s a new year, so why cling to the old? A great way to start the year afresh is by cleaning your workspace. This will help clear you mind and make your work area feel as good as new.

Some people feel “the holiday blues”
Upon returning to work. As you get back into your work routine, this should go away but if there is a more serious sense of sadness or depression, or there are more
serious financial or emotional stresses causing you to feel helpless, please be in touch with us so that we can provide support.
If you feel you need to chat to someone, we’re here to support you. Give us a call on:
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